Lash Extensions

Eye lashes

Lash Extensions

Lashes come in different styles, materials, thicknesses, and colours in order to better accentuate and complement skin types, and hair thickness.

Our Eyelash Extensions are semi-permanent, lasting 4-6 weeks depending on the life cycle of your own natural lashes and other factors. Though the average cycle of a single lash is about 90 days, factors such as your eyelash characteristics, lifestyle, and general care of your lashes will affect how your Lashes last.

Choose from 8-16 inch natural black or coloured extensions Free Top Up
Permanent Individual Lash Extension (mink) + Eyebrow shaping (applies to full & half set only) €99(Full)  €70(Half), €50 (Quarter)
Regular full set applications. choose any length, € 70
Occasional cluster Lash extensions € 45  full €35 half set
Strip lash extensions €15
Subsequent Top Up of mink  /  regular extensions €50    

Benefits of Lash Extensions

– Seductively attractive eyes

– A totally natural look with single hairs

– No trouble with artificial eyelashes

– No need for mascara

– Lashes that last for weeks

– Free choice of length and colour

How does your Lash gets extended?

Eyelash extensions are single hair strands that are glued to your own eyelashes one hair at a time with a durable and safe special adhesive.

This gives you a totally natural look, and you will experience the joy of every morning waking up with dream lashes that take neither care nor mascara to make your eyes look perfectly beautiful.

And should you feel like changing the length or colour of your lashes, then they are easily removed and new ones applied.

To preserve the beautiful look of your new lashes you will need a touch-up refill every 2-3 weeks. If you try to extend this interval a new application will become necessary.

Before applying, you will need to:

Remove mascara and makeup before coming, or at least 15 minutes prior to application

There should be no remains of makeup remover on your lashes as this reduces durability.

Things to Avoid

Many people need time to get used to having long lashes. Even though eyelash extensions have high durability, there are however a couple of things to take into consideration in order to get maximal pleasure from your beautiful new lashes.

Focusing attention on these points can alleviate the problem, making your lash extensions last longer

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  • No bathing, solarium or sauna in the first 8 hours after application.
  • Long hot baths can reduce durability.
  • Pad your eyes after bathing. A towel on the face is sure to quickly remove your lashes.
  • Mascara can be used but is not necessary and will reduce durability. Waterproof mascara will reduce durability.
  • Be extra careful when removing makeup and mascara.
  • Don’t try to remove the lash extensions yourself, as you risk breaking your lashes a special glue dissolvent must be used.

Also consider that as 10 % of your own lashes are renewed every month, it is normal that some of the lashes with extensions attached will fall off.

Durability is also affected by the fact that the amount of grease excreted by the skin varies from person to person. As grease and oil dissolve the glue’s durability will vary from person to person.


Also, you might want to consider growing your lashes naturally with our top-of-the-range Dermaquest dermalash extension.